Prepare sacristy:
This is a room in a chapel where sacred vessels and vestments are kept and where
the clergy vests.
Prepare the Altar, Pulpit, Lectern, and Credence Table:
Place the altar frontal on the altar and the antependia on the pulpit and lectern.
NOTE: Do not use tacks to fasten down. White is usually used for Rosh
Hashannah, Yom Kippur, and other Jewish high holy day services. The color is
optional for other Jewish services. Check with the Jewish chaplain to determine
the color to be used. Ensure that no symbols other than Jewish religious symbols
appear on these items.
Place a copy of the Prayer Book for Jewish Personnel and The Holy Scriptures for
Jewish Personnel on each of the following items of altar area furniture:
Reading table (both books are placed on the left side, [as seen from the
congregation's perspective] so the books face the ark). Check with the
Jewish chaplain for the exact placement: of the books.
Place the yad on the right side (as seen from the congregation's perspective) of the
reading table.
Place the kiddush cup and a bottle of kosher wine on the top of the small table
located beside the pulpit.
Inspect the altar area, from the congregation's perspective, for proper appearance
and neatness.
Ensure the altar frontal and both antependia are straight.
Prepare the seating area (Nave):
Align all books uniformly in the pews.
Remove all trash and old bulletins from the pews.