been involved with drugs or alcohol
alcoholics in the family
Suicide is a Combination of Events.
An excerpt from DA Pam 600-70 entitled "Guide to the Prevention of Suicide and Self-Destructive
Behavior" is included in this section to more fully explain what is meant by "a combination of events":
"In trying to understand why people kill themselves, it is tempting to look at the source of
stress in their lives. An analysis of life stressors is not, however, the answer. Stress is a
normal part of life and people are usually able to cope. Actually, most people think about
suicide at sometime during their lives. Usually they find that these thoughts are
temporary and that things do get better. Generally, it is a combination of events that lead
a person to believe that suicide is the only way out. One common thread is that the
person feels hopeless about life."
The Common Thread is Hopelessness.
DA Pam 600-70, lists the kinds of events can lead a person to experience a sense of hopelessness, which
in turn can create an environment for suicide.
"Feelings of hopelessness and low self-esteem can have many causes.
Break up a close relationship with a loved one or difficulties in interpersonal relationships with
family or close friends.
Death of a loved one; spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend, or pet.
Worry about job or school performance and concerns about failure or doing less well than one
hoped or expected.
Loss of "support systems" or "emotional safety" which comes from moving to a new
Loss of social or financial status of the family.
The compounding and disorienting effects of drugs and/or alcohol."