In order for any program to function, you must have money. The
retreat program is no exception.
Because retreats are a soldier
program, that makes your funding a little easier.
In the Army,
soldier ministries are given priority when it comes to funding.
If you are able to show that your retreat program is a ministry
to the soldier to promote religious experience and growth, improve
quality of life, and enhance the dignity and worth of each
individual; you can get the money you need. There are several ways
you may request funding.
You may request funding through
Nonappropriated Funds, Appropriated Funds, "Models" funding from the
Chief of Chaplains, etc.
It may also be helpful to visit the installation of the Division
Chaplain and explain your program and seek their endorsement, then
request your funding through proper channels.
The Installation
Chaplain or Division Chaplain is the one that approves your request.
Unit wives' and couples' retreats may be a little harder to
However, for example, if you can show that a unit wives'
retreat will remove the wife from the home environment; provide for
personal growth and enrichment; marriage enrichment; and that all of
this is done to help the Army to have a more productive and happier
soldier who, in turn, will do a better job, funding will probably be
Request for transportation of participants to the retreat site
ought to be made through your S-4. It is important that the request
is made through channels and proper coordination takes place.
Include in the request the date of the retreat, destination, purpose
for transportation, location of pick-up, and the returning location
and time. (See Figure 3)