Physical Set-Up for Religious Services in Garrison 1
Materials needed to take the examination:
Subcourse booklet, one ACCP Examination Response Sheet, and one No. 2 lead pencil.
Instructions to the student:
This test is intended to check your understanding of the actions necessary to physically set-up for
religious services in a garrison chapel. Questions will be asked on how you would prepare the chapel
for a Catholic Mass, a collective Protestant service, a collective Protestant communion service, and
return the chapel to a neutral setting.
All questions are multiple-choice. There is only one correct response to each question. Remove the
ACCP Examination Response Sheet from the envelope attached to the back of the subcourse. Fill out
the information requested in the heading, then proceed to the questions. Read each question carefully.
For each test item, select the choice you think answers the question correctly and mark your response
using a No. 2 lead pencil. Be sure to check your Examination Response Sheet after you complete the
test. After studying the subcourse lessons, it will be beneficial to you to answer all test questions
before referring back to the lessons. After you have completed the test, place the Examination
Response Sheet in the self-addressed envelope provided and mail it to the Institute for Professional
Development (IPD) for scoring. IPD will send you a copy of your scores.
The following situation applies to questions 1 through 8.
Situation: You are a chaplain assistant assigned to the Post Chapel at Fort Opportunity. As part of
your duties, you must prepare the chapel for the Catholic chaplain to say Mass.
In preparing for the Mass, you must consult the ordo. In doing this, you
determine the number of ciborium to place on the altar.
find out how many missalettes are required for the Mass.
determine the correct liturgical color for the Mass.
learn where to place the antependium.