o Ordo. A booklet used to determine the liturgical color.
o Sacramentary. A book used by Roman Catholics containing the liturgy for all services
celebrated throughout the church year.
o Lectionary. An authorized sequence or list or scriptural passages to be read in church
services during the course of the church year.
o Candlestick Assembly. Includes candle, follower and stand/base (self-explanatory).
o Lavabo Bowl. A bowl used to catch the water the chaplain uses as he washes his hands
before the communion.
o Crucifix. A cross bearing the figure of Christ.
o Amice, Alb, Stole, Chasuble, Cincture and Surplice. Vestments that the Chaplain will wear
during Mass.
o Altar. A flat table used for a center of worship. It holds the sacred items used for the Mass.
o Altar Frontal. A decorative cloth which covers the front of the altar. Its color corresponds to
the season or feast of the day.
o Antependium. A cloth hanging in front of the lectern and pulpit. Its color corresponds to the
season or event being celebrated within the church year.
o Chalice Veil. A piece of fabric that covers the communion vessels. It corresponds in color to
the season or festival of the day.
o Credence Table. A table where the elements of Holy Communion are placed for use in the
This concludes the discussions of the ecclesiastical equipment used for Catholic Mass. We discussed
items which you, the chaplain assistant, will have to place in the proper position in the chapel, as well
as those vestments the chaplain will wear. We will now move to preparing and setting up the chapel for
a Catholic Mass.