e. Centralized Planning.
FORSCOM war-related missions and tasks are to be accomplished by centralized
planning and decentralized execution.
f. Centralized planning consists of the following actions:
(1) Centralized guidance is provided to headquarters, installations and
activities by AMOPS, FORMDEPS, the General War Plan, CONUS
Contingency Plans, and Force Readiness planning and reporting instructions.
(2) Extensive preplanning must be accomplished at all levels. Detailed
requirements and procedures must be developed. "On the shelf" contracts,
preformatted requests, requisitions, and other documents required for
execution must be prepared and placed at the headquarters necessary for
implementation. Optimum disposition of all resources must be determined and
the projected Force Readiness posture of units, with redistribution
instructions, provided to CONUSA, installations and major units.
(3) Systematic Review, Coordination, and Improvement of Plans. The
centralized aspect of extensive preplanning, involves a "system" for ensuring
that plans are prepared IAW guidance and in the required detail and depth;
coordinated across boundaries and between components; problems are
surfaced, solved, and guidance provided by the appropriate headquarters
resulting in improved and up-to-date plans.
(4) Centralized Adjustments to Plans. The extensive preplanning and
systematic review described above, will result in unresolved problems,
recommendations for changes to FORSCOM plans and priority/resource
conflicts, being surfaced to FORSCOM. Adjustments will be coordinated with
other MACOM or agencies as required, and completed by FORSCOM.
(5) Adjusted Plans Disseminated. Plans, as adjusted by FORSCOM, will be
disseminated to all appropriate activities. Plans will then be revised and
maintained by all affected activities in preparation for execution.
(6) Updating of Plans. This will be required as supported CINC plans, force
structure, POMCUS and unit equipment posture, and resulting TPFDD,
MTBSP and Force Readiness planning data changes occur.
g. Decentralized Execution consist of the following actions:
(1) Preplanned actions are implemented by mission type orders. General
actions will be directed, not specific actions. For example: decentralized asset
redistribution will be ordered, not the specific action of transferring item X to
installation Y.
(2) Adjustments to plans are made at the lowest possible level. Commanders
will initiate action to adjust plans as required, to accomplish their missions