c. Missions.
(1) Two general missions, as well as supporting missions and functions are
assigned to FORSCOM in AR 10-42.
(2) General Missions and Functions: The Commander, FORSCOM:
Serves as Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Readiness
Command (USCINCARRED). As USCINCARRED, provides a general
reserve of combat ready forces to USREDCOM as directed by JCS and as
provided for in current DA directives; plans for and provides forces for the
reinforcement of other unified commands as directed by the USCINCRED.
Plans for and executes assigned domestic emergency missions. These
missions include peacetime emergencies and those resulting from general war.
As the DA executive and coordinating authority, plans and prepares to
conduct operations for CONUS defense (less aerospace defense), the military
support of civil defense, survival and reconstitution activities related to
CONUS defense, and chemical and nuclear accident and incident control.
Collectively referred to as CONUS Contingency Plans throughout
(3) The following missions and functions provide the capability and authority
to accomplish the general missions:
Command the Continental United States Armies (CONUSA).
Command assigned Active Army units.
Command assigned installations (to include federalized state installations).
Command FORSCOM units and activities on TRADOC installations through the
installation commander.
Command assigned USAR troop program units in CONUS, Puerto Rico, the
Virgin Islands, and Alaska.
Organize, equip, station, train, and maintain the combat readiness of assigned
Supervise and evaluate the training of the ARNG; establish training criteria for
and provide advice and assistance in the training of the ARNG; conduct general
and special instructions of ARNG units, U.S. Property and Fiscal Offices and
State Maintenance Offices, within CONUS, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and
Establish and maintain the CAPSTONE Program.