0915 Devotional - Devotional consists of a prayer by the
chaplain or a group member. You may have a Scripture Reading such as
(Luke 10:25-37) The Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Closing prayer
may be a sentence prayer.
A circle is made by the group and each
person gives one sentence of thanksgiving to God with the chaplain
0930 Discussion Session - The Discussion Session may be about
the second ice-breaker. Possible questions to be considered are: How
did you feel about trusting the group with your physical safety?
Were you willing to risk your physical safety?
What does this say
about you? Is it important to have trust, belief, etc. in others?
1000 Film - Film "Too Hard To Trust" Army Film Library
1030 Feedback - Feedback from Film
1040 - Break
1145 - Lunch
1230 Film/Optional - Film, "Forgiving is a Part of It"
Library (optional)/recreation. You may be surprised at the number of
persons who would rather view the film than participate in
recreational activities.
Recreational activities may include
basketball, baseball, horse shoes, etc.
1300 Discussion Session - This discussion may be in the form of
a game called "Priorities."
one who would like to gain insight into the values and priorities and
have a lot of fun doing it. By listening to how others place their
priorities on any given subject, the group may enlarge their views
and clarify values for themselves. A person draws a card (5x7) and
reads its subject to the group.
After the person responds, another
person from the group makes a comment on the response given. Then,
the person who responded first has the last response.
You might
think that soldiers wouldn't be interested in this, but they may
really enjoy it.
An example of the questions or subjects may be:
"What are some of the things you would do if you were invisible for a
whole day?"
"Explain your feelings about contributing your vital
organs to others in the event of your death. etc.