All other pastors are my brothers and sisters.
Some may
worship differently, or may have a different theology. Yet, they are
no less than my equals, fellow professionals, and my extended family.
This is a good place to say that the entire UMT, including your
enlisted assistant(s), can be thought of as part of this family. What
is being said about ministry to other chaplains can also be applied to
your chaplain assistant(s).
You readily claim spiritual kinship to your parishioners; you should
be no less certain of your family ties with your peers.
Your peers
are among your greatest resources.
There is a symbiotic relationship among all people as God's
children. The actions of one affect all others. The suffering of one
is shared by all.
Shame brought about by one is, whether it is
realized or not, applied to the entire unit ministry team.
This symbiotic relationship works positively as well as
negatively; when one has joy or success, all benefit.
toward your peers is done away with when you realize that their gain
is for the ultimate gain for the whole chaplaincy.
If the pastor is strengthened, so also are the flock and your fellow
pastors. As seen earlier, the best service you can do for others is
to be your best self; and, by being their best selves, your peers are
doing their best for you.
You cannot be all things to all people; you cannot help
everyone. Each person is one of a kind.
Each pastor has a unique perspective; each life has its own special
The chaplain who becomes upset when a friend goes to
someone else for pastoral support is forgetting that "If all were an
eye, where would the hearing be?"
There are special gifts given to each pastor and, especially in a
multiple staff, it is natural that some people will feel closer to
another pastor.
Sixth: Similarly, you cannot be sensitive to everyone! If you were,
you would cancel the special perspective of each ministry. Because of
your background, there are some needs that will escape you. This is
not an excuse for not becoming more sensitive, but is the reality of
being human.
You must be aware of your limits and if you cannot be of particular
help, guide the other to a place or person where he or she can receive
the appropriate ministry.
This is another reasons why personal and
professional contact with peers is essential.