Chaplain Jones has been demonstrating some rather unusual behavior. He has
frequently been moody, showing irritation and anger with assistants,
counsels, and chaplain peers.
Normal tasks seem difficult for him to
accomplish. He seems to be tired most of the time.
How important is it for you to be proactive and timely in your response.
How should you deal with the issue of confidentiality with your physician
and the chaplain?
What steps can you take to offer pastoral support to
Chaplain Jones?
Scenario Number Two:
Your brigade chaplain doubles as the Catholic priest for your post. He is
an adequate and capable brigade chaplain. However, problems are beginning
to surface in his role as the Catholic priest. Parishioners find him to be
insensitive, dictatorial, and unresponsive to their needs.
The situation comes to a head for you one Monday morning when two Catholic
families from your battalion visit your office. They are visibly upset and
angry about the behavior of the priest during last Sunday's Mass.
A small child was slightly disruptive
during the worship service.
exploded...rebuking the parents for the
behavior of the child. According to
the two families from your battalion,
this is just the latest in hurtful
behavior on the part of the priest.
Identify the relationship dynamics in this situation. How would you respond
to the problems that have been raised?
Is it possible for you to offer
pastoral care to your brigade chaplain? If so, how would you proceed?
Scenario Number Three:
Two of your peer battalion chaplains are experiencing relationship problems.
The source of the conflict looks fairly simple. Chaplain James Barclay is
from a denomination which believes that women should not participate in
pastoral ministry. Chaplain Mary Bowers resents Chaplain Barclay's beliefs.
She regards them as bigoted and chauvinistic.
Consequently, conflict
between the two chaplains has surfaced on many other related and even non-
related issues.
From your vantage point, both of your peers are heading for serious trouble.
You are afraid that their behavior will spill over into other areas of their
Technically, the responsibility for resolving the conflict
belongs to the brigade chaplain, but he seems indifferent to the situation.
What should you do?
Can you offer pastoral care and counsel to Chaplain
Bowers and Chaplain Barclay that will save them from serious trouble?
so, how would you go about doing it?
Is your opinion on the issues in