By the baptism candidate for an immersion baptism are - A baptismal gown (usually
this gown is white with weights sewn in the bottom hem and is normally provided by the
chapel) or other appropriate personal clothing provided by the individual being baptized
(the chaplain will usually explain to the candidate the type of clothing which would be
appropriate to wear).
Ensure the vestments used in the pouring or sprinkling methods of baptism are
serviceable and available in the vesting room.
Ensure the garments and towels used in the immersion method of baptism are serviceable
and available in the dressing rooms or rest rooms to be used by the candidates and the
This completes lesson three. You should know how to identify the pouring, sprinkling and immersion
types of baptisms, and the items, vestments, and garments used during the various types of baptisms.
You should also know how to prepare the chapel for Protestant and Catholic baptisms. After reviewing
all the material in this lesson, you should complete the practice exercise for lesson three. Answers and
feedback for the questions in the practice exercise will be provided to show you where further study is