Ensure the following items (when used) are on the credence table:
Baptismal shell.
Baptismal candle with matches.
Rite of baptism booklet for the chaplain.
Finger towel.
Holy oils with cotton balls.
A list of baptism candidates.
Immersion Method.
Protestant. The chaplain lowers the candidate into the water until the candidate's head is
immersed. Then the chaplain raises the candidate's head out of the water. This method
of baptism can take place in a baptismal pool, swimming pool, lake, or river. Normally
there will be at least one chapel on the installation that has a baptismal pool. If none is
available on the installation, a baptismal pool in a local civilian church may be used.
When a baptismal pool is used, follow these general guidelines:
Ensure the baptismal pool is clean.
Fill the pool with about 3-4 feet of water.
Ensure the water in the pool is at room temperature at the time of the baptism
service. If there is no hot water source for filling the pool with hot water, the pool
should be filled at least 24 hours prior to the baptism service to allow time for the
water to reach room temperature.
Use caution when using baptismal pools that have controlled heating devices.
They may heat the water too high for use and cause discomfort to the chaplain or
candidate during the baptism.
Ensure that a list of baptismal candidates is available for use by the chaplain
during the baptismal service.
Ensure that separate dressing rooms or rest rooms are made available for the
chaplain and baptism candidate to change clothes before and after the baptism and
dry off after the baptism.