Vestment table.
The vestments are to be placed on the vestment table in the order indicated.
The chasuble is put on the vestment table first and the alb is put on top of the
other four vestments.
The color of the chasuble, cuffs, belt, and stole should match the color of the altar
frontal and veils.
After the service, return the vestments to the sacristy closet, checking them for
tears, stains, or wrinkles.
It is the chaplain assistant's responsibility to see that there are always enough
clean vestments on hand.
The Orthodox chaplain wears vestments over the uniform or civilian clothes.
The first item worn is an alb which is similar to a Catholic alb except for the tight
sleeves with strings.
A stole is worn over the alb and is worn during all celebrations. The stole has an
opening for the head and is joined along the entire length of the front.
A belt goes around the chaplain's waist over the alb.
The cuffs are worn over the wrists (sleeves) of the alb.
The chasuble is a long, flowing garment, with no sleeves. It covers all of the
garments worn.
Censer. Place the censer with stand next to the right (congregation's right) front of the
altar (Figure 2-2).
Inspect Altar Area. Inspect the altar area from the perspective of
the congregation for
proper appearance and neatness. Ensure the items on the altar are centered and evenly