adequate religious/pastoral coverage on Army installations during
b. ASSUMPTIONS. Basic Plan.
a. The chaplain advises the commander and his staff on all
matters of religion and morale as affected by religion.
b. Special emphasis is placed on ministry that recognizes
the tensions of a mobilizing community and the dignity of the
individual, offers opportunity for each individual to worship and
is sensitive to the total pastoral needs of families left behind
or displaced by the mobilization of their spouses.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES of Mobilization Station Chaplain.
Basis Stationing Plan (MTBSP), both according to Troop Program
Sequence Number (TPSN) and Mobilization Station Sequence as a
guide to how deploying brigades/divisions will roll up.
b. In coordination with the CONUSA, FORSCOM and HQDA
Chaplain, projects chaplain assets and shortfall by grade and
denomination through 180 days of mobilization.
c. Coordinates with the DPCA the assignment, promotion,
transfer and replacement of subordinate chaplains and their
enlisted assistants within the installation. The priority of
assignment established by the DACH is, (1) deploying units, (2)
training centers, (3) installations with large concentrations of
family members and (4) all other requirements.
the requirements of Faith-Mix Guidance for division/brigade size
units. Faith Mix Guidance recommends one Jewish Chaplain and
four Catholic Chaplains per division with Protestant Chaplains
assigned to the remaining division spaces. At least one Catholic
Chaplain should be assigned to separate brigades with the
remaining spaces allotted to Protestant Chaplains.