3. Manpower.
a. (U) Concept. Chaplain assets will be managed by the
Chief of Chaplains through his functional counterpart at MACOM,
CONUSA, and mobilization stations. This concept will be employed
beginning M-Day unless changed by the Chief of Chaplains.
b. (U) Premobilization planning. Essential elements to
the decentralized concept of mobilizing chaplain assets are:
(1) (U) The capability to fill vacancies and
redistribute assets to ensure that the aggregate faith mix of
chaplains in deploying divisions and separate brigades is
compatible to the faith mix of troops assigned to these units.
(2) (U) The capability to utilize existing assets
during the first 90 days of mobilization and to provide religious
coverage to deploying units, the training base, and family
member/spouse remaining on and adjacent to the mobilization
(3) (U) The above requires some very intensive and
coordinated planning by Army chaplains. The information
requirements for planning are:
(a) (U) Installation unit data base and the
Mobilization Personnel Processing System (MOBPERS) prepositioned
tapes to determine faith mix of chaplains and troops in brigade
and division size units. This data is available from the
installation MISO. (NOTE: Religious denomination code currently
is used only in the peacetime mode of Standard Installation
Division Personnel System (SIDPERS). Reserve Component (RC)
units may be accessed through the peacetime mode if a gradual
mobilization occurs since a National Guard or USAR SIDPERS will
not be fielded until a later date.
(b) (U) Faith Mix Guidance recommends one Jewish
Chaplain and four Catholic Chaplains per division with Protestant
Chaplains assigned to the remaining division spaces. At least
one Catholic Chaplain should be assigned to separate brigades