(1) Soldiers in garrison.
(2) Soldier families in garrison.
(3) Army medical facility personnel.
(4) Confined U.S. soldiers.
(5) Mobilized soldiers.
(6) Deployed soldiers.
(8) Soldiers engaged in combat.
2. Doctrinal Principle #2
In the event of mobilization, STARC and Installation Chaplains will provide UMT
coverage to the families of deploying units. UMT assigned to deploying units (RC and
AC) will minister to soldiers and prepare for deployment.
Operationally, STARC and Installation Chaplains will provide for family ministry
through the use of IMA UMT and retirees assigned to the MOB TDA of installations.
a. Installation chaplains, through their training managers, ensure that UMTs on the
installation acquire adequate training and skills. Specialized installation personnel
such as family life chaplains, chaplains trained in CPE, parish development chaplains,
or directors of religious education, can be used to train other UMT members in their
specialties. Installation or unit funds may be used for outside training opportunities
provided by local educational institutions, churches, or social work services.
b. Other training opportunities include the following:
(1) Battlefield training.
(2) TDY training.
(3) United States Army Chaplain Center and School (USACHCS) mobile
training teams (MTTs).
(4) Chaplain training conferences.
(5) Continuing education conferences.
(6) Unit level officer classes.
(7) Enlisted training (such as Primary Leadership Development Course
[PLDC], Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course [BNCOC], and Advanced
Noncommissioned Officer Course [ANCOC]).
3. Doctrinal Principle #3.