b. In the Defense Guidance (DG), the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) provides an
authoritative statement of the threat and announces strategic objectives, national
military strategy and provides force and resource (manpower and dollars) guidance to
the military services, DOD agencies, and to the unified and specified commanders.
Traditionally, the Joint Strategic Planning Document (JSPD) and Defense Guidance
(DG) have been annual documents; however, beginning in FY 86 the JSPD and DG
became biennial documents. The DG is an indispensable source document for
planning. Considering its impact on planning, it is essential the Joint Chiefs of Staff
advice be available in the formulation of the DG.
c. Mobilization planning is based on the guidance documents promulgated by the
Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Secretaries of the Military
Departments and on the constraints imposed by resource limitations. Mobilization
plans of the Services provide the details for assembling the Reserve Component
forces and moving those forces from home station to mobilization station (station of
initial assignment). These plans also provide details for stationing, equipping, and
training the Reserve Component units and individual reservists to bring these forces
to operationally ready status. In addition, service mobilization plans provide guidance
to their agencies to support and to sustain the wartime requirements of the total force.
2. Sequential Process of Planning for the Employment and Deployment of Reserve
Components (RCs).
a. The sequential process of planning for the employment and deployment of Reserve
Components are as follows:
(1) Concepts, tasks, and planning guidance that call for the employment of
Reserve Components are provided to the commanders of unified and specified
commands in the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP), Volume I.
(2) For planning purposes, JSCP, Volume II, provides home
station/mobilization station of initial assignment availability times of the
major military combat forces designated for augmenting and deploying to
unified and specified commands.
(3) These commanders of the unified and specified commands, in conjunction
with the Service component commanders, develop plans for the employment
of the major Reserve forces and for additional support forces provided by the
Services through the component commanders. These plans include Time
Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) that, among other things, identifies
the requirement established by the commanders of the unified and specified
commands for time-phased introduction of Reserve Component forces.
(4) Services develop their mobilization plans to accommodate these
requirements and those of their own requirement for nondeployable
infrastructure and supporting augmentation.