Agencies (TOA), Military Airlift Command, and Military Sealift Command
test the resultant TPFDD for feasibility and produce movement tables.
The JDA then convenes a second TPFDD refinement conference to coordinate
the combined transportation requirements and shortfalls. The refined TPFDD
is then transferred to the JDS deployment data base. Throughout the plans
development phase, HQDA, FORSCOM, AMDC, and MILPERCEN, in
conjunction with the Army component, attempt to resolve service-related
shortfalls impacting on the supported commander's plan. The supported
commander to the JCS submits shortfalls that cannot be resolved. In
conjunction with the Services, the JCS review cited shortfalls and limiting
factors and inform the supported commander of any adjustments deemed
appropriate. The services initiate programming actions to eliminate shortfalls
insofar as resource constraints will allow.
(4) Phase IV - Plan Review.
After receipt of the supported commander's plan for final review, the JCS
forward it to the Services for comment. ODCSOPS staffs the OPLAN
throughout the Army Staff (ARSTAF) for comments. ARSTAF agencies
coordinate with MACOMs and other agencies as required. The review
evaluates the adequacy and feasibility of the plan for accomplishing the
mission assigned.
(5) Phase V - Supporting Plans.
Supported and supporting Army component commands and, as appropriate,
Army MACOMs and agencies will prepare and publish supporting plans for
each OPLAN developed with JOPS.
b. Procedures are designed to assist the planning community in the timely, efficient
development of operation plans and to provide a consistent framework for the
planning process.
6. The Army Mobilization and Operations Planning System (AMOPS).
a. AMOPS VOL I - System Description, Responsibilities and Procedures.
(1) The objective of AMOPS is to improve Army participation in joint
operations planning and Army mobilization planning and execution through:
o More clearly defined responsibilities and more disciplined procedures for
the conduct of planning actions and execution.
o Centralized planning management.
o A single-source document set for promulgation of policies, guidance, and
planning assumptions concerning the short-range strategic employment,
mobilization, and deployment of Army forces.