the need for concurrent, parallel, and detailed planning must be recognized by all
concerned with the joint planning process.
(1) Phase I - Initiation.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, normally by publication of the JSCP, assign tasks to
the commanders of the unified and specified commands; identify major
combat forces and JSC-controlled resources that are available for planning;
provide information on replacement personnel and planning factors for gross
calculations of resupply; provide airlift and sealift assets made available for
planning; and identify the depth of planning required for each contingency.
The Services, based on actual capabilities, identify other combat, combat
support, and combat service support forces. ODCSOPS at HQDA, through
periodic revisions or changes to AMOPS, identifies major combat forces for
planning based on JSCP tasking, allocates combat support and combat service
support forces not addressed in the JSCP, and provides guidance on personnel
replacement/filler and service- controlled resupply planning data.
(2) Phase II - Concept Development.
In this phase, all factors that can have a significant effect on mission
accomplishment are collected and analyzed by the supported commander, the
best course of action is determined, and the concept of operations is
developed. For certain contingencies, only a CONPLAN is required in lieu of
an OPLAN. In such a case, the process is essentially complete with the
development of the concept of operations. The supported CINC fully develops
his concept of operations as the foundation for detailed plan development.
HQDA and other designated commands/agencies provide the supported CINC
with assistance as required through the Army component headquarters.
(3) Phase III - Plan Development.
The supported CINC initiates this phase by providing Service components and
supporting commands/agencies his concept of operations and guidance for
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) development. The supported
Army component, based upon CINC guidance, determines Army force
requirements. FORSCOM selects units to meet the requirements. Force
shortfalls which are unresolvable at component/FORSCOM level are
forwarded to HQDA for resolution/comment as appropriate. As far as
possible, resolution is accomplished prior to component TPFDD submission
to the CINC. Force requirements beyond the capability of the Army to fill are
highlighted for the supported commander in the format prescribed by his
planning directive. Following development and analysis by supporting
commands/agencies, the JDA will assist the supported commander with
management of two TPFDD refinement conferences.
The purpose of the first conference is to coordinate the inclusion of unit data
and nonunit-related personnel and cargo data. The Transportation Operating