How to Prepare Offerings for Deposit.
a. You have already learned how to fill out the Offering Control Sheet and verify it. Now, you
must prepare it for disposition along with the offering.
b. All receipts, including cash, checks and other negotiable instruments will be vouchered and
promptly deposited in a bank. Until this deposit is made, receipts will be secured in a
standard Army safe.
Deposit should be made within one banking day unless exception granted by
MACOM staff chaplain for reasons of geographical location.
c. Deposits will be made only to the account identified by the official name of the Fund.
d. No other funds will be commingled with this account.
e. No receipts will be deposited in personal or other accounts.
f. Checks will not be cashed from chapel offerings, nor will change be made after the offering
is received.
g. Only financial institutions that have been designated as depositories with the Federal
Reserve may be used to safeguard chaplains' funds. In no case will chaplains' fund
deposits exceed insurance limits of the financial institution.
Disposition of Offering Control Sheet (Figure 3-1).
a. File the 2nd carbon copy in your office files.
b. Place the original and 1st carbon copy along with the deposit slip in the money bag.
c. Transport the offering to the fund clerk or manager who will check the accuracy of the
Offering Control Sheet.