Transfer Responsibility of the Offering.
a. Secure deposit into a Standard Army Safe, ref: AR 37-103, para
b. Turn it over to the Fund Manager/Clerk.
(1) Either the fund clerk or manager will check the accuracy of the Offering Control Sheet
in your presence. If there are no errors, one of them will sign the ACCEPTED FOR
DEPOSIT BY line of Section IV and return the first copy of the Offering Control Sheet
to you for filing in your office files.
a. Take from them the 1st carbon copy and return it to your files.
b. Dispose of the 2nd carbon copy that you put into your files earlier.
Compare the 1st carbon copy with the 2nd carbon copy - there should
be no changes.
(2) If there is an error, a new Offering Control Sheet will be completed in duplicate. After
it is verified by your supervisory personnel, it will be signed by both you and your
supervisor or by you, the fund clerk, and the fund clerk's supervisor. This sheet will
be attached to the original Offering Control Sheet which was signed by the two
original counters.
(3) A copy of the original Offering Control Sheet and the new Offering Control Sheet will
be filed in your office files.
You should ensure the amount of the collected offering is reported in the
chapel's next worship service bulletin as an additional security measure.