If someone tells you, "It's not the money; it's the principle," you can be sure it's the money. In this
instruction both the money and the principle are important and both are important to Active AND
Reserve Components.
The collection is an important part of worship services for many faith groups. Giving is a part of
worship. Historically, this has been true even on the battlefield. Although there is now talk of a
"cashless battlefield," it is likely that the past will continue into the future. While Chapel Tithe and
Offerings Fund are not usually part of peacetime life for Reserve Component personnel, initial
mobilization for many RC chaplain assistants will be to an installation where "the fund" and
responsibility for it are an important part of life for the UMT.
Collections, then, are a reality. The next question is how to handle them. Collections are cash money
and thus represent a temptation. Congregations tender them with the expectation that they will be
properly used. The Army expects that cash money will be controlled.
The procedures outlined in this subcourse ensure that the money given by worshippers is available for
its intended purposes and is controlled according to a clear standard. Violating these standards puts
both the money and the individuals responsible for it at risk.