b. Select two non-related individuals over the age of 18 from the congregation, only one of
whom may be a member of the chapel staff, to collect and count the offering.
c. Brief the counters on their critical duties and responsibilities in the collecting, counting, and
safeguarding process.
d. Ensure the collection of the offering by having the counters:
Pass the collection plates or baskets through the congregation.
Checks will not be cashed from chapel offerings.
Carry the total offering to the altar area and place it on or near the altar in full view of
the congregation.
e. Ensure the offering is transported, secured, and counted immediately following the service.
After the service both counters carry the offering, in plain view, from the altar area to
the counting room.
The counters will need to remain about 20 minutes to count and verify the offering.
The heading of the Offering Control Sheet (Figure 1-1) gives general information about the
service (when, where, who, etc) and it may be completed prior to the service so only the
attendance has to be recorded later.
A set of offering control sheets consists of one original and two copies for the counters and one
loose copy for the assistant so he can verify the count.
A set must be made for each offering taken.
Place the offering control sheet set, calculator, black ink pens and scratch paper in a quiet room
where the offering will be counted.