TC 1-05
Religious Support Planning
Section III Religious Support Plans
Prior to military operations, the UMT develops a plan for RS. This
plan provides for religious services, rites, sacraments, ordinances, and
ministrations for all supported units. Brigades and higher UMTs
publish the plan in the form of an annex/appendix, which also
addresses synchronization of assets within the area of responsibility.
The battalion UMT may choose to publish the RSP in the operation
plan. However, time, resources, and demands of ministry can make
publishing the plan impractical. RS is the commander's
responsibility. The chaplain must ensure that RS meets the intent and
adheres to the guidance provided by the commander. The chaplain is
the officer responsible for implementing the commander's plan for
RS. In preparing the plan for RS, the UMT makes the following staff
Task force organization.
UMT strength and condition.
UMT understanding the commander's operation concept.
The mission of the UMT.
Concept of RS:
RS requirements by phase.
Instructions (including external and internal issues,
restraints, and restrictions).
Priority for on-call RS by unit.
10 May 2005