TC 1-05
Religious Support Planning
(2) Characteristics of the area of operations. The UMT
considers the same factors as the supported commander. They apply
these factors to the conduct of the UMT mission and determine the
effects of the area's characteristics on the mission. These
characteristics are--
(a) Weather.
(b) Terrain.
(c) Other pertinent factors.
that are a threat to UMT operations.
(4) Own situation. The UMT recognizes aspects of the friendly
situation that makes the RS mission accomplishment difficult.
(a) Tactical situation.
(b) Personnel, logistics, and civil-military operations.
(5) Facts and assumptions. Items that affect the operation
which are not immediately known. Working with the commander and
staff, the UMT develops facts and assumptions about the situation
that are critical to planning. This is a continuous process (time
permitting), confirming or denying assumptions and refining plans as
necessary. Rule of thumb--list assumptions in priority of "show
stoppers," worst-case assumptions first, and best-case assumptions
last. Never plan off best-case assumptions.
10 May 2005