Chapter 1. Military Religious Support MissionSection II Mission OriginAccommodating Religious PracticesSection III Functions and ActivitiesUMT Religious Support ActivitiesUMT Religious Support Activities (Cont) - TC1_050013UMT Religious Support Activities (Cont) - TC1_050014Chapter 2. Unit Ministry TeamReligious Support PlanSection II Religious Support CoverageSection III Roles of the ChaplainHistorical Foundations and ValuesArmy Chaplaincy valuesSection IV Roles of the Chaplain AssistantCombatant StatusScope of CommitmentChaplain Assistant NCOChapter 3. Command and StaffSection II Staff StructureAuthorizations for Staff OrganizationsBasic Staff StructureFigure 3-1. Generic staff structureCoordinating staffSpecial staff officersPersonal staffPersonal staff (Cont)Staff AuthoritySection III Responsibilities and Duties of Battalion, Brigade, and Division Staff OfficersFigure 3-2. Generic battalion and brigade staff modelExecutive Officer (XO)S1/G1S2/G2S3/G3S4/G4Division G5Section IV Characteristics of Staff OfficersCreativitySelf-confidenceTeam PlayerSection V Military ChannelsSection VI Command PostsMain Command PostAlternate Command PostAlternate CP OperationsChapter 4. Decisionmaking, Plans, and OrdersFigure 4-1. Military decisionmaking processSection II Commander and Staff Actions in the Decisionmaking ProcessSection III EstimatesStaff estimate preparation processStaff estimate preparation process (Cont)Section IV Operational Plans and OrdersTable 4-1. METT-TC outlineTable 4-1. METT-TC outline (Cont) - TC1_050062Table 4-1. METT-TC outline (Cont) - TC1_050063Table 4-2. OCOKA guideTable 4-2. OCOKA guide (Cont)Classes of OrdersSection V Annexes and Appendixes of OrdersSection VI Standing Operating ProceduresUnit Job Performance StandardsUnit Job Performance Standards (Cont)Chapter 5. Operations and TacticsFigure 5-1. Contiguous and noncontiguous areas with linear and nonlinear operationsSection II Joint, Interagency, and Multinational OperationsPlanning Religious Support in Joint OperationsPlanning Religious Support in Multinational OperationsTable 5-1. Command relationships - TC1_050077Table 5-1. Command relationships - TC1_050078Section III Tactical Mission TasksTactical mission tasksTypes and forms of operationsSection IV Tactical Mission DefinitionsSection IV Tactical Mission Definitions (Cont) - TC1_050083Section IV Tactical Mission Definitions (Cont) - TC1_050084Section IV Tactical Mission Definitions (Cont) - TC1_050085Section IV Tactical Mission Definitions (Cont) - TC1_050086Appendix A. Religious Support PlanningConsiderations affecting the possible COAs.Analysis of the Courses of ActionSection II Mission Essential Task ListSection III Religious Support PlansSection IV Contents of Religious Support AppendixesFigure A-1. Sample RS matrix modelBrigade and higher echelon UMTs publish RS appendixesSituationService SupportAppendix B. LeadershipSoldiering Is a Sacred TrustThe Best and Worst of Times: The United States ArmyConfidence in Battle, Inspiration in Peace: The United StatesFM 1, The ArmyDeterminants of Effective Unit PerformanceAppendix C. Combat Stress ControlCombat stress behaviorsCombat stress behaviors (Cont)Section II Battle Fatigue and the UMTFigure C-2 Treatment plan for soldiers suffering from light and heavy battle fatigueSigns of battle fatigueSection III The UMTs Role in Combat Stress Control and Battle Fatigue MinistryReligious Support Before Alert NotificationReligious Support After OperationsTable C-1. Combat stress preventionSection IV Critical Event DebriefingOperating PrincipleSetting up a CEDElements of the CEDElements of the CED (Cont)Section V Suicide HelpSuicide PreventionAppendix D. Religious Area/Impact AssessmentTable D-1. Religious assessment guideTable D-1. Religious assessment guide (Cont) - TC1_050124Table D-1. Religious assessment guide (Cont) - TC1_050125Table D-1. Religious assessment guide (Cont) - TC1_050126Appendix E. Moral and Ethical IssuesSection I Ethics and the Role of Army ValuesSection II Ethical Problems and the Ethical Reasoning ProcessSection II Ethical Problems and the Ethical Reasoning Process (Cont)The Ethical Reasoning ProcessThe Ethical Reasoning Process (Cont)Section III Jus in Bello PrinciplesSection III Jus in Bello Principles (Cont)Section IV Procedures for Ethical DissentEthical DissentEthical Dissent (Cont)Table E-1. Ethical climate assessment surveyTable E-1. Ethical climate assessment survey (Cont) - TC1_050140Table E-1. Ethical climate assessment survey (Cont) - TC1_050141Table E-1. Ethical climate assessment survey (Cont) - TC1_050142Table E-1. Ethical climate assessment survey (Cont) - TC1_050143Appendix F. Values, Oaths, and the Soldiers CreedOath of EnlistmentThe Soldier's Creed and Warrior EthosAppendix G. BriefingsSection II Decision BriefingSection II Decision Briefing (Cont)Section III General Purpose Staff BriefingUpdate BriefingsSection IV Staff EstimatesOral FormatBriefing ChecklistBriefing Checklist (Cont)UMT TipsAppendix H. After Action Reviews and ReportsSection II The After Action Review ProcessTable H-1. Open-ended discussion guideSection III Tips for Conducting an AARSection IV Performance Steps of an AARAppendix I. Risk ManagementSection II Risk Management ProcessSection II Risk Management Process (Cont) - TC1_050166Figure I-1. Risk Assessment MatrixSection II Risk Management Process (Cont) - TC1_050168Appendix J. Spiritual ReadinessThe Epitome of Spiritual LeadershipSection III Spiritual Fitness TrainingTraits of a Spiritual LeaderFigure J-1. Spiritual LeadershipThe Fruit of Spiritual FitnessAppendix K. Equipment and VehiclesSection II Individual Clothing and EquipmentUniversal packing listA bag (rucksack)B bag (duffel bag #1)Section III WeaponM-16 Maintenance StepsCleaningLubricationAmmunitionSection IV UMT Equipment ItemsVehicle Loading Plan Development StepsSection V Other Equipment ItemsRS equipmentTent and camouflageOffice suppliesAppendix L. Chaplain Field FundSection II Establishing a CFFSection III CFF AccountabilitySection IV Managing a CFFTable L-1. Managing a chaplain field fundManaging a CFF (Cont)Section V Closing and Reassigning a Field FundInbound/Outbound Funds TransferGlossaryAcronyms and TermsAcronyms and Terms (Cont) - TC1_050202Acronyms and Terms (Cont) - TC1_050203Acronyms and Terms (Cont) - TC1_050204Acronyms and Terms (Cont) - TC1_050205Acronyms and Terms (Cont) - TC1_050206Acronyms and Terms (Cont) - TC1_050207ReferencesReferences (Cont) - TC1_050209References (Cont) - TC1_050210References (Cont) - TC1_050211Religious Support Handbook for the Unit Ministry Team