TC 1-05
Operations and Tactics
Follow and assume: An operation where a committed force
follows a force conducting an offensive operation and is prepared
to continue the mission if the lead force is fixed, attrited, or
otherwise unable to continue.
Follow and support: An operation where a committed force
follows and supports a lead force conducting an offensive
Guard: A security operation whose primary task is to protect the
main force by fighting to gain time. They also observe, report
information, and prevent enemy ground observation of (and direct
fire against) the main body. Units conducting a guard mission cannot
operate independently because they rely on fires and combat support
(CS) assets of the main body.
Infiltration (intelligence operation):
Movement through
(or into)
an area occupied by either friendly or enemy troops or small group
organizations or individuals at extended or irregular intervals.
Contact with the enemy is avoided.
Interdict: To seal off an area by any means to prevent, disrupt, or
delay the enemy's use of the area or route.
Isolate: Requires a unit to seal off (physically and psychologically)
an enemy from sources of support, deny freedom of movement, and
prevent enemy unit from having contact with other enemy forces.
Lane: A clear route that moves through an enemy or friendly
obstacle, providing the force a safe passage. The route may be
reduced and proofed as part of a breach operation or constructed as
part of a friendly obstacle.
Main effort: The unit, battle position, area of operations, or other
location the commander determines to be the most important mission
task/purpose at the time (FM 3-0). Its success makes a difference in
10 May 2005