TC 1-05
Operations and Tactics
front and prevent them from withdrawing any part of their forces
for use elsewhere; a tactical task to restrict enemy movement.
Counterattack: An attack by part or all of a defending force
against an enemy attacking force to regain lost ground, or cut off
enemy advancing units and with the general objective of denying
the enemy its purpose in attacking.
Cover: A type of security operation that protects the main body (by
fighting) from surprise, to gain time while reporting information, and
gives commanders time and space to respond to the enemy's actions
preventing enemy ground observation of (and direct fire against) the
main body.
Delay (delay in sector): Slow and defeat as much of the enemy as
possible without sacrificing the tactical integrity of the unit;
presents low risk to the unit.
Destroy: A tactical task to physically render an enemy force
combat ineffective. To render a target or combat system so badly
damaged or destroyed that it cannot perform any function or be
restored to a usable condition without being entirely rebuilt.
Disrupt: A tactical task or obstacle effect that integrates direct and
indirect fire, planning, terrain, and obstacle effort to break apart an
enemy's formation and tempo, interrupt its timetable, or cause
enemy forces to commit prematurely or attack in a piecemeal
Fix: A tactical task which prevents the enemy from moving any
part of its force either from a specific location or for a specific
period of time by holding or surrounding them preventing their
withdrawal for use elsewhere.
10 May 2005