Next, you need to be thoroughly familiar with the hospital
visiting regulations that must be followed.
It's important that you
of the hospital.
Finally, if the soldier is in the intensive care unit or the coronary
care unit, you should not make the visit at all, but instead refer the
situation to the chaplain.
He would be the appropriate person to
conduct the visit under these trying circumstances.
Prepare for the Hospital Visit.
There are many ways in which you may obtain the names of unit related
personnel that have been hospitalized. The most common way is by reviewing
the hospital's admissions list; however, it is possible for you to be
notified by the unit S1, the soldier's commander, or some other third party.
Regardless of how you were notified, you should conduct a hospital visit to
the soldier in the following situations:
If a hospitalized soldier requests a visit from the UMT.
If during a routine examination of hospital admission cards you
realize that a soldier from the unit has been admitted to the
If the command or some other third party requests the UMT visit a
If the chaplain directs you to make a visit.
No matter what the reason for conducting the visit, before you
actually depart for the hospital, be sure that you have secured the
chaplain's approval first.
Normally, the chaplain may want to give you a pre-visit briefing
before you go in order to provide you with any background information
he may have on the person.
Be sure that you coordinate with the hospital chaplain, so that he is
informed of your intentions, so as to prevent any possible duplication
of effort or misunderstanding.