Visit the person.
1. Explain to the soldier the UMT's mission of caring for personnel.
2. Point out to the soldier how the UMT can care for the person's
3. Make sure the soldier realizes, that any information they share
with you, will be told to the chaplain.
4. Explain that this information will be held in confidentiality by
both you and the chaplain.
5. Ensure that you maintain a courteous and positive attitude during
the visit.
6. Listen to the person's needs, frustrations, hurts, fears and
7. Be a good active listener.
8. Express acceptance of what the person has said.
acceptance is different from agreement.
Accept what is said
without shock, judgement or fear.
9. During the visit determine if there are any special needs or
problems that the soldier might have indicated that must be
brought to the chaplain's attention.
10.Make sure that the soldier is assured that the chaplain will be
informed of anything you can't handle.
1. Inform the person of how to locate the appropriate chapel and UMT
2. Let him know your location and phone number and his own UMT's if
he is not under your coverage.
3. Inform the soldier of the day, time and place of worship services
of that person's faith group or denomination.
4. If you have literature containing this information, it may be a
useful tool for you to use when conducting a visit.
5. End the visit by affirming the UMT's willingness to be of service
to the soldier.
6. Assure them that the UMT is always willing to help.
7. Pray with the soldier, if he is willing.
Brief the Chaplain concerning the situation with the person.
Shortly after the visit you may need to jot down a few notes to remind
yourself of the visitation content for briefing the chaplain.
Remember, you should share all of the information received with the
Remember, "The dullest pencil is
chaplain and only the chaplain.
sharper than the sharpest memory."