time to meet deployment dates which may change with revised versions of
OPLAN TPFDDS ROBCO third position 8, other RC training base units, are
included in this category.
(7) Engineer battalions have not been identified solely for installation support
but may be utilized for mission related construction tasks incident to support
of installation mobilization missions. Installations at which no engineer
construction support units are stationed will request needed engineer unit
support from the appropriate CONUSA.
(8) Available late deploying and uncommitted brigade, group and battalion
HHC may be used as branch immaterial command and control elements for
mobilized units.
(9) Training centers, other than current Active Army ATCs, will be activated
normally only after full mobilization has been directed. Detailed
trainee/student input projections are as shown in DA/TRADOC/HSC post-
mobilization Army Program for individual training (MOB ARPRINT).
(10) The MTBSP portrays unit deployment requirements (reverse planning)
vis-a-vis unit capability to deploy (forward planning). The following
methodology is used to establish this relationship:
a. To determine unit deployment requirements, the DRL is determined
by subtracting movement times to POE and POD from the EAD
(earliest arrival date) to arrive at a worst case situation.
b. To determine unit deployment capability, the RDYLD is determined
by adding alert/assembly, movement, training, and processing times.
c. The DRL and RDYLD are compared, and the EDD is selected from
greater of the two values (RDYLD or DRL) in terms of time.
d. The EDDS and/or EDDA should be used to plan unit mobilization
and deployment. However, unit preparation for deployment should be
expedited to improve unit availability upon OPLAN execution.
(11) The following are clarifications of selected data field relationships which
have created questions in the past:
a. If the EDD is greater than the LAD, this indicates that the unit is not
capable of meeting deployment requirements and that the unit will
arrive late in the theater of operations, unless accepted at lesser
capability by the supported CINC.
b. If the MBSAD is greater than the RDYLD, but sufficient time is
available to meet deployment, requirements, disregard RDYLD and
use EDDS and/or EDDA to plan unit flow through the mobilization