(3) MSPS provides mobilization stationing and RC unit ready (departure
capability) to load date data to selected TPFDD's whenever mobilization is
involved in the scenario.
c. System Management.
d. Operating Cycle.
MSPS data is updated on a weekly basis.
e. Interface with other Systems.
(1) With a JOPS TPFDD on an as required basis.
(2) With JOPS/UNITREP for addition, deletions and changes to unit status
(3) Overlaid from the MSPS master file into OMNI.
f. System Products.
(1) Produces the annual Mobilization Troop Basis Stationing Plan (MTBSP),
with various sort and subtotal formats.
(2) Exports data to HQDA on a monthly basis.
g. System Constraints.
The system is currently designed only for full mobilization. MSPS allows for only
AC and RC units in- being and does not include units programmed for activation.
2. Mobilization Troop Basis Stationing Plan (MTBSP).
a. The MTBSP is a computerized output of the FORSCOM Mobilization Stationing
Planning System (MSPS). This document is the key document for planning
mobilization and deployment of forces. It is a complete listing of Active, National
Guard and USAR approved force structure units. Mobilization plans are a useless
endeavor if the information in this document is not understood and used. The data
files provide:
(1) All active units in the Mobilization Stationing Planning System (MSPS).
(2) All AC and RC units which form the family of plans for each of these
(3) All RC units in the CONUS Support Base for the applicable OPLAN.
b. The current FORSCOM policy is to not publish any force listings in hard copy for
distribution. A program has been formulated to allow specific headquarters to draw
this document data from MSPS using WES terminals located at each activity.