check your answers with the answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly,
study again that part of the lesson which contains the portion involved.
Situation: As the Senior Chaplain assigned at Fort Opportunity, you must brief the active
and RC units on the assets required to support the upcoming mobilization. You must
ensure the active and RC units have updated their personnel lists in order to perform the
1. The general policy upon full mobilization is that all personnel in the Ready Reserve
will report for active duty within
a. 24 hours after notification to report.
b. 24 duty hours after notification to report.
c. 48 hours after notification to report.
d. 48 duty hours after notification to report.
2. Upon arrival at the mobilization station, IRR personnel may be assigned to
a. fill mandatory IMAs requirements.
b. positions established by the MOB STA commander.
c. fill any requirements based on the commander's priorities.
d. positions in need of experienced skills in order to process incoming RC units.
3. The main purpose of the Army's retiree recall program is to
a. utilize the skills of experienced retired personnel by training the active force.
b. reduce the shortage of pretrained individual manpower that would occur upon
mobilization by utilizing the talents and skills of experienced retired military personnel.
c. ensure full manpower in the event of mobilization.
d. allow retirees the opportunity to participate in a full mobilization during a national