(1) Units in the Presidential 200,000 Call-up and partial mobilization
packages are shown in the packaging column heading of the MTBSP.
(2) For "full" mobilization, units which are required within the first 30 days
(LAD 30) will be mobilized at active and semi-active installation in close
proximity to their home stations.
(3) The NATO M+10 essential force (fourth ROBCO positions 1 through 6,
G, J, & U) will be mobilized at active and semi-active installations in close
proximity to their home stations and will be considered for direct and
modified deployment whenever possible.
e. Guidelines Governing Mobilization Stationing.
(1) A unit will be assigned one mobilization station from which it will deploy
for any assigned contingency.
(2) Mobilization stationing criteria/considerations will be applied to the
maximum possible extent.
(3) Mobilization changes must be minimized to assure stability in
mobilization planning and to alleviate distribution of unit and mobilization
planning/coordination efforts.
(4) CONUSA will act as the focal point for coordination and mobilization
station changes. The cut-off date for FORSCOM receipt of CONUSA
coordinated mobilization station change requests is 30 April annually. The
following guidance applies to processing changes:
a. MACOM may submit requests through the appropriate FORSCOM
Staff office to AFOP-OM. These requests will be forwarded to the
CONUSA for coordination. Other requests should be submitted
through the TAG/RSC to the CONUSA with copies to NGB/OCAR,
as appropriate.
b. After receipt of CONUSA coordinated requests and of NGB/OCAR
concurrent concurrence, FORSCOM, AFOP-OM, will make changes
in the MSPS and formally notify all parties concerned of the
completed action.
(5) Assignment to units of mobilization date (MDATE), mobilization origin
departure date (MBODD) and mobilization station arrival date (MBSAD) will
be governed by the following:
(6) MDATE at home station is normally M-Day +3, recognizing that some
units are required to be mobilized prior to M+3, and that some units need not
be mobilized until after M+3.
(7) FORSCOM will assign these dates to new units entering the system.