CONDITION: Given the subcourse material for this lesson and a training scenario.
STANDARD: The student will respond with 70% accuracy to the multiple choice
subcourse examination requiring recall and application of instructions.
REFERENCE: The material contained in this lesson was derived from the following
UMT Information Handbook on Mobilization
FM 16-1
FM 25-5
In the event of mobilization, you will have to live with your plans; largely you will stay
in place and implement your plans. You are the implementers. If your plans are not good
ones, you are the ones who will bear the consequences. You cannot take the risk of a
chaplaincy which doesn't know how to mobilize, which cannot perform its mission to
support the Total Army at a time when it is most needed. In the event of mobilization,
the Active Army deploys as do the most ready of Reserve and Guard Units. The rest of
the force trains for deployment. You should remember that virtually all of the UMT
assets go with the troops. Your mission at home is to the families of deployed soldiers
but the UMT assets are with the troops.
1. Mobilization Stationing Planning System (MSPS) (Vol II - FORMDEPS).
a. The Mobilization Stationing Planning System (MSPS) is a FORSCOM unique
computer subsystem designed to support mobilization stationing planning within the
Joint Operations Planning System (JOPS). MSPS contains active TOE and TDA units
and the mobilizing Reserve Component TOE and TDA units in FORSCOM and
WESTCOM. The Mobilization Troop Basis Stationing Plan (MTBSP) is a product of
the MSPS.
b. Operational Description.
(1) MSPS is compared against a master file of selected units for updating. The
update consists of recommended additions, deletions and changes to units in
the MSPS file. This data includes only unit status information.
(2) MSPS contains deployment data derived from selected Time Phased Force
Deployment Data (TPFDD) files. Deployment data consists of ports of
embarkation (POE) and debarkation (POD) in addition to arrival and
departure requirement dates.