g. The format is similar to the IRR DCSPER-04 Reports as shown in Figures 2-2 and
Figure 2-2. Section II - Roster of Assigned Personnel - IRR (DCSPER 472-04)
Figure 2-3. Section IV - Roster of Assigned Personnel - IRR (DCSPER 472-
5. Reporting Schedule of Mobilizing Personnel DCSPER 472-05.
a. This report reflects the personnel scheduled to report to a mobilization station and
the priority of the requirements they have been selected (earmarked) to fill.
b. The report is sequenced by Mobilization Station and Priority of Fill Requirement
c. Totals are provided by Priority, Sex, and Component.
d. All IRR, and retired, if/as applicable, less IMA are ordered to report for active duty
to their respective mobilization station on M+7.
e. USAR/ARNG Unit Personnel.
(1) The priority of fill for USAR/ARNG unit requirements, within this report,
are determined by assigning a priority to the unit based upon the unit's Date
Required to Load (DRL) or Mobilization Station Arrival Date (MBSAD).