Forces to the National Command Authorities and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. UNITREP
is the primary source of information about an organization's availability for
deployment and its readiness to conduct military operations. UNITREP is thus linked
to the Joint Operation Planning System as the basis for selecting organizations to
meet a supported commander's force requirements.
b. UNITREP serves the following specific functions:
(1) Registers in the UNITREP File all organizations of the US Armed Forces,
specified organizations of foreign armed forces, and specified other agencies.
(2) Reports current basis identity data elements (BIDEs) about the
organizations in the UNITREP File.
(3) Reports status data about selected US military organizations.
(4) Reports status data about selected foreign military organizations operating
in association with US forces.
(5) Provides a single reporting framework which can be supplemented by the
CINCs, Services, major commands, and major command subordinates to meet
their unique information requirements.
c. UNITREP is an on-going data resource reporting system. It consists of the
UNITREP File which contains the identity of worldwide organization resources and
selected data elements keyed to the Unit Identification Code (UIC) of each registered
unit which describes uniquely their status; and the report which is used to keep the
UNITREP File current. This data supports operation planning and command and
control functions within the OJCS, the CINCs, the Services, major Service
commands, Service component commands, and DOD agencies. UNITREP is a
primary source used to consider force availability. The perishability of status
information demands that reports be prepared when status change occurs and
forwarded without significant delay. The usefulness of UNITREP data in support of
current operation planning and in monitoring current operations is directly affected by
the timeliness and degree of accuracy with which the data is maintained.
d. The master UNITREP File is maintained by the Director of Operations, OJCS.
Applicable portions of the UNITREP File which contain identity and status data on
relevant registered organizations/units are maintained by the Services, CINCs, major
Service commands, Service component commands, and certain DOD agencies.
e. The registration of an organization/unit by UIC, along with the related Basic
Identity Data Elements (BIDE), is the essential first step in establishing the
UNITREP File. Once registered in the UNITREP File, the appropriate status data
keyed to UIC is reported and incorporated.
f. UNITREPs made to the Alternate National Military Command Center (AMMCC)
for the JCS are originated by the Services, the CINCs, major Service commands,
Service component commands, and certain DOD agencies. The basis for these reports