(1) RCU officers who have not completed OBC or who have not had 3 years
of either active duty or RCU experience will accompany their unit to the
mobilization station. The unit commander will then identify them to the
installation commander who will obtain training reservations from
MILPERCEN, prepare necessary orders and arrange transportation.
(2) RCU enlisted personnel who have not completed Initial Entry Training
(IET) will accompany the unit advance party to the mobilization station if
practical. Their names will be given to the installation commander who will
obtain new REQUEST/Request Mobilization System (RMS) reservations,
prepare necessary orders and arrange transportation to return them to the
training base.
(3) IRR officers who have not completed OBC will not be ordered to active
duty until a training reservation has been obtained by, ARPERCEN depending
on the officers' control group. These officers will then receive a mailgram
order directing them to report to the appropriate training location.
(4) Unskilled IRR direct enlistment personnel will not be ordered to active
duty until a REQUEST/RMS reservation has been obtained for them by
ARPERCEN. These personnel will then be ordered by mailgram to report to
the appropriate reception station.
(5) During a Presidential 200,000 Call-up or under a partial mobilization
without an extension of service, mobilization station/installation commanders
will reassign personnel who are nondeployable because of insufficient service
remaining until ETS.
(6) Upon declaration of a national emergency, terms of service for all military
personnel serving on active duty may be extended under provisions Title 10
USC 672a.
6. AWOL and Desertion.
a. AWOL and desertion represents a critical drain on military manpower. During
mobilization AWOL and desertion rates may increase sharply. Upon outbreak of
hostilities, the FBI will accept all desertion offenses for apprehension and return to
military control.
b. Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management and Personnel), will provide
the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, ATTN: Fugitive Division, Washington,
DC 20535, a copy of all verified deserter notices and return to military control
c. The ODCSPER (DAPE-HR) will ensure that facilities are identified to receive and
process returned offenders at an accelerated rate for appropriate disposition.