Distribution Plan (TAEDP) and the Continuing Balance System - Expanded (CBS-X)
will be the primary data bases used to execute the equipment redistribution.
3. Major Commands (MACOMs).
a. Major commands will prepare plans to execute DA directed redistribution of
resources (personnel and materiel) against priority requirements in accordance with
the provisions of this guidance. Detailed plans will be incorporated into mobilization
plans at all levels of command.
b. Upon receipt of a warning order, MACOM will accomplish required actions and
coordination, short of actual execution, as preparatory activities for
redistribution/cross-leveling. Upon receipt of a mobilization order, MACOM
resources will be redistributed to accomplish assigned missions.
c. MACOMS ensure redistribution and reporting procedures are compatible with
most existing HQDA-level management information system capabilities.
4. Mobilization Personnel Systems.
a. To understand the personnel systems being used for mobilization, identification of
personnel sources and concrete policies are necessary. Personnel required to expand
the active Army will be drawn from:
(1) Active Component Sources:
Officer Active Duty Obligors (OADO).
Officer Candidate School (OCS).
U.S. Military Academy (USMA).
(2) Reserve Component Sources:
Active Guard/Reserve (AGR).
Delayed Entry Personnel (DEP).
Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA).
Inactive National Guard (ING).
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC).
Retired Personnel.
Selected Reserve.
Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP).