data, periodically updated, to enable the commander to access and assign IRR
personnel upon mobilization.
(6) IRR determined qualified for immediate deployment and excess to the
needs of the installation will be reported through
of reassignment against a current requirement. Should no unit requirement be
determined, service member will be reported to
MILPERCEN/USAMEDDPERSA for reassignment against worldwide
(7) IRR personnel may be used to satisfy installation requirements after fill of
deploying and deployable units as determined by the installation commander.
(8) Until entry of Reserve Component units on active duty, procurement of
officers for these units will be contained under existing programs from
sources within the Army National Guard and Army Reserve. Non-alerted
units may continue to enlist personnel in the reserve in accordance with
existing enlistment policies and procedures. Alerted units will cease new
enlistments upon receipt of the mobilization order and refer potential enlistees
to non-alerted units or enlistment activities.
(9) The general policy upon full mobilization is that all personnel in the Ready
Reserve will report for active duty within 24 hours after notification to report.
Ready Reservists should make advance arrangements to meet business,
personal, and other responsibilities to ensure they are capable of meeting
mobilization reporting times.
(10) During peacetime, members of the Ready Reserve will be continually
screened IAW AR 135-133 to ensure their availability upon mobilization. The
screening of Ready Reserve members will cease when they have received
alert orders to active duty (exceptions are governed by AR 601-25).
g. Retired Personnel.
(1) The Army's retiree recall program was implemented in August 1981. Its
main purpose is to reduce the shortage of pretrained individual manpower that
would occur upon mobilization by utilizing the talents and skills of
experienced retired military personnel. Policy and procedures for the program
are contained in AR 610-10. MACOM and Field Operating Agencies (FOA)
are responsible for identifying requirements as suitable for retiree fill in
TDA/MOBTDA. Requirements will be entered in TAADS IAW AR 310-49,
Appendix B.
(2) ARPERCEN as the retiree program implementor, maintains a retiree asset
data base and issues "hip pocket" preassignment orders to retirees who match
validated CONUS requirements. These orders direct reporting to specified
installations within 7 days of media announcement of full mobilization.
Installation commanders are delegated authority to time phase retiree