d. MACOM and installation commanders will ensure interservice support agreements
(ISA) adequately eliminate duplication of apprehension or pick-up effort and support
all military services.
e. Deserters will be received at any military installation and processed rapidly to an
installation of their service or to a facility designated to receive and process offenders.
7. Direct-Deploying Units (DDU).
a. To expedite deployment, selected Reserve Component (RC) units are designated as
direct-deploying units or modified-deploying units. A direct-deploying unit deploys
personnel and equipment from home station and does not move as a unit through a
mobilization station. Modified-deploying units are units that ship unit equipment
from home station to a port of embarkation and subsequently move unit personnel to
a mobilization station. Units are selected and designated by HQ FORSCOM in
coordination with the NGB for NG units, CONUSAs, and installations.
b. Basic Criteria for Direct Deployment.
(1) Direct deployment of the unit is operationally prudent as defined by the
supported CINC.
(2) The supported CINC will allocate the required lift to deploy the unit.
(3) The unit is light and easily deployable.
(4) A readiness posture of C-3 or better is attained and maintained, less
equipment of POMCUS.
(5) Time available before deployment will not allow movement through a
mobilization station to an APOE.
(6) The relative locations and distances between the units home location,
mobilization location, designated APOE, and capabilities of the supporting
mobilization station.
(7) Direct deployers will be validated on a yearly basis.
c. Basic Criteria for Modified Deployment.
(1) Time available before unit equipment must be at the SPOE.
(2) A readiness posture of C-3 or better is attained and maintained.
(3) Unit training requirements at the mobilization station.
(4) The relative locations and distances between the units home location,
mobilization location, designated SPOE, and capabilities of the supporting