(5) Shipping unit equipment directly to a SPOE marshaling area is
operationally prudent as defined by the mobilization station commander
mobilizing the unit and operating the SPOE marshaling area.
d. Units designated as direct-deploying units or modified- deploying units will be
notified of such designation. An Army installation will be tasked to develop the
execution concept and ensure coordination.
e. Direct-deploying units require mobilization station (MS) support provided by the
primary planning agent.
f. MS functions are to:
(1) Assist the unit with planning.
(2) Accomplish administrative requirements that cannot be done by the unit,
e.g., SIDPERS accessions.
(3) Coordinate procurement of basic load ammunition, rations, and blocking
and bracing material.
(4) In conjunction with the CONUSA, ensure the unit is operationally ready
for deployment, including POR and POM requirements.
g. The advantages of Direct Deployment are as follows:
(1) Relieves overcrowding at the mobilization station.
(2) Requires one unit move (to APOE).
(3) Enables maintenance of unit integrity.
(5) Modified deployment enables units to rapidly position and prepare
equipment for deployment.
h. The disadvantages of Direct Deployment are as follows:
(1) Will require the MS to send teams to the unit to assist their entry into
active service, validate them for deployment, and deploy them.
(2) Militates against redistribution of assets (people and equipment that can
best be controlled at the mobilization station).
(3) Hampers positive control of Federal units (units not on installations could
require extended support from supporting installations).
(4) Approved APOE locations may not be near the unit's home station.
8. Concept of operations for Direct Deployment.