or semester in which they are enrolled at the time they are alerted for order to
active duty.
(4) Delays will not be granted to personnel who are experiencing temporary
physical disabilities that prevent them from performing their mobilization
jobs. These individuals will be placed in less demanding positions until they
are physically qualified for reassignment.
(5) Personnel who are authorized a delay in reporting for active duty are still
obligated to enter on active duty as long as the order to mobilize remains in
effect unless competent authority determines that the individual is
permanently physically or mentally incapable of performing military duty. In
these cases, administrative action will be taken to separate or discharge the
e. Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs). These personnel are immediately
available for mobilization in the organization to which they have been assigned. IMA
personnel will be notified by news media announcement or the organization to which
preassigned to report for mobilization. ARPERCEN does not issue follow-up
reporting orders for these personnel because of the varying needs of the organizations
to which IMAs are assigned.
f. Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).
(1) All Individual Ready Reservists (IRR) should be immediately available
upon mobilization. Projected show rate is 70% for enlisted soldiers and 90%
for officers.
(2) In peacetime the IRR members, less unskilled members, will be
preassigned by the Mobilization Personnel Processing System (MOBPERS) to
mobilization stations and earmarked to fill requirements at that installation. In
the event of mobilization, the IRR will be sent a mobilization order instructing
them where and when to report.
(3) Upon arrival at the mobilization station, IRR personnel may be assigned to
fill any requirement based on the commander's priorities. Installation
commanders will assess state of training of IRR personnel upon arrival.
(4) All IRR officers who have completed a resident branch course or who
have had at least 3 years of either active duty or Reserve unit experience as an
officer are considered qualified for assignment as unit fillers/individual
replacements in deployed or deploying units.
(5) IRR members residing in Europe are preassigned by the current Overseas
Preassignment Program to the area command replacement detachment.
USAREUR commander will access IRR members to fill existing, in-theater
requirements. IRR members residing in other overseas areas may be
mobilized by ARPERCEN, after M-Day if directed by HQDA. ARPERCEN
will provide the appropriate overseas commander with sufficient personnel