a. A policy is established that permits family members of
mobilized RC personnel to use a copy of their sponsors' orders, a
verified copy of DD Form 1172, and the DA Form 5431 (RC family
members' ID card) as the interim identification for benefits and
b. Specific procedures are outlined in FORMDEPS, volume
III, Part 3, (RC) (Unit Commander's Handbook).
The following items will test your knowledge of the material covered in this lesson.
There is only one correct answer for each item. When you have completed the exercise,
check your answers with the answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly,
study again that part of the lesson that contains the portion involved.
Situation: You are a Senior Chaplain assigned at Fort Opportunity. You are in charge of
the mobilization and deployment process. Your unit is on full alert and you must provide
assistance to the mobilized RC units. You must ensure all UMT mobilization plans and
annexes are prepared and reviewed in accordance with the unit's mobilization plans.
1. You are reviewing an annex that is part of one of the mobilization plans. You know
that annexes provide
a. UMT information to FORSCOM and RSC.
b. information and direction to subordinate and supporting units of the command.
c. the standards and formats needed to execute a military operation.
d. additional information on mobilization to smaller units.
2. One of the mission of the Commander, FORSCOM is to serve as
a. Commander in Chief, United States Army Reserve Forces, Europe.
b. Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, South Pacific.
c. Commander in Chief, United States, CONUS