a. This report reflects IRR personnel, to include IMA personnel, which have been
selected and earmarked to fill an AC/RC unit requirement at a specific mobilization
b. The mobilization station receives Sections II, IV, and V of this report.
(1) Section II (Figure 2-2) is a SSI/MOS rollup of assigned personnel which is
sequenced by Mobilization Station, Part, UIC, and SSI/MOS.
(2) Section IV (Figure 2-3) is a Name (alpha) roster of assigned personnel
which is sequenced by Mobilization Station, Part, and Name.
(3) Section V is an SSI/MOS rollup of assigned personnel which is sequenced
by Mobilization Station, Part, and SSI/MOS.
c. This report consists of the following parts:
(1) Part A - AMEDD.
(2) Part B - Chaplain.
(3) Part C - JAG.
(4) Part D - All other Commissioned Officers.
(5) Part E - Warrant Officers.
(6) Part F - Enlisted.
d. Totals are provided for each Part.
e. Commissioned Aviator's Additional Skill Identifiers and Chaplain Denominations
are provided in the last two positions of the Specialty Skill Identifier (SSI); e.g.,
56A62....Roman Catholic Chaplain.
f. Explanation of Mobilization Preassignment (MP) Codes used in this report:
(1) Voluntary preassignment:
a. AV - Regular Army - retiree.
b. RV - Army of the United States - retiree.
c. GV - United States Reserve - retiree.
(2) Involuntary Preassignment:
a. AV - Regular Army - retiree.
b. RM - Army of the United States - retiree.
c. GM - United States Reserve - retiree (contingent).