The word "outline" is used to indicate the degree of completeness
rather than the level of command to which it applies.
outline plans generally are written at higher levels, they may be
useful at any level.
Planning Sequence.
The planning sequence is a series of nine steps representing a logical
progression of command and staff actions required to develop plans.
higher staff levels (for example, corps), planning may be a formal process
with separate and distinct steps. At lower levels, the process is usually a
continuous, largely mental process.
The planning sequence is shown in
Figure 1-1 and is discussed in the following subparagraphs:
Forecast Requirements. Forecasting is the analysis and evaluation of
facts and trends to determine probable requirements and is the first
step in the planning sequence.
Its purpose is to predict what may
Higher headquarters may use command forecasts to begin the
planning sequence.
Subordinate commanders also may use these
forecasts to begin their own studies and estimates. When planning and
preparation begin early, the overall command reaction time is reduced.
Figure 1-1.
Planning Sequence.