TC 1-05
Spiritual Readiness
Appendix J
Spiritual Readiness
Section I Introduction to Spiritual Readiness
Spiritual readiness is a command operational readiness indicator. It
enables the soldier to live the Warrior Ethos and embody the Army
Values. The capacity of spiritual readiness in the soldier affects unit
morale and is an essential and critical component of the total soldier
system in the Army. Spiritual readiness promotes individual and unit
accountability for actions.
Spiritual readiness is an indicator of the soldier's "will to fight" and
the general well being of personnel within the command. The UMT
has the responsibility to assess, monitor, predict, and train the war
fighter through spiritual fitness training to achieve spiritual readiness.
Section II Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual leadership is the core competency of the chaplain corps and
the foundation of all spiritual readiness, spiritual fitness, and RS
conducted for the commander. Spiritual leadership is an art and
science; commitment and professional skills are embedded in
spiritual leadership. The chaplain uses spiritual leadership,
professional skills, and personal insights and beliefs to define,
interpret, and train spiritual readiness and, thereby, execute the core
processes of religious services to the soldier.
10 May 2005