TC 1-05
Risk Management
Appendix I
Risk Management
Risk management is the process of making operations safer without
compromising the mission. Accident investigations show that
mission-compromising accidents occur when victims are ignorant of
ignored. The greatest effort should be in hazard identification and
countermeasure enforcement.
Note: In this appendix, leader and team leader refer to the senior-
most member of the UMT present for duty. Whether chaplain or
NCO, the leader is responsible for risk decisions. Nevertheless, all
UMT members must be involved in the risk management process.
Section I Rules of Risk Management
Three rules guide the risk management process:
Accept no unnecessary risks. The UMT leader who has the
authority to accept a risk has the responsibility to protect the
team from unnecessary risks. An unnecessary risk is one that, if
eliminated, still allows mission accomplishments.
Make risk decisions at the proper level. Make risk decisions at a
level consistent with the commander's guidance. The team
leader responsible for the mission should make the risk
10 May 2005