TC 1-05
After Action Reviews and Reports
Section II The After Action Review Process
The AAR process involves planning, preparing, conducting, and
using the results, if appropriate, in future activities of the same type.
To ensure a successful AAR, good initial planning is crucial. The
following planning guidance should help in constructing a good
Establish a goal. What should the AAR accomplish?
Identify the participants. Can everyone be involved or is the
group too large? Are outside observers required?
Determine when the AAR will be conducted: After major phases
of an exercise, completion of a block of instruction, or
conclusion of an event.
Select a site for the AAR. Do you have a back up or an
inclement weather plan?
Determine if training aids are required.
Draft an AAR plan. (Keep it simple and clear.)
Like planning, proper preparation is a key to success. This is the most
critical phase, because observations of the event are involved. The
following should be accomplished during preparation:
Review documentations related to the event. Have operations
orders or planning documents been prepared?
Observe the event. Take clear, detailed notes and encourage
other participants to take notes.
Collect information. Do you need other observers or resources?
10 May 2005