TC 1-05
After Action Reviews and Reports
Appendix H
After Action Reviews and Reports
Section I Purpose
After action reviews (AAR) are a vital leadership tool; they enable
leaders and soldiers to understand--
What should have occurred?
What did occur?
Why did it occur?
How do we reinforce successes in the future?
How do we remedy deficiencies in the future?
An AAR can be used for virtually any mission, project, or activity.
AARs can be verbal (informal) or written (formal). If written, the
AAR will conform to the Army writing style through clear, concise
writing (correct grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling) and
compact organization. Effective informal AARs can take only
minutes; major, formal AARs may take several hours.
Bottom Line...
AARs are leader tools to see what went right and what went
wrong, in order to improve next time!
10 May 2005